International Summer Session (onsite)

JTC’s International (Summer) Session (onsite) is a learning opportunity designed for parents!

If you are a parent of a preschooler with hearing loss and you wish to:

  • Extend your knowledge of listening, language and speech development
  • Observe, practice and expand spoken language strategies with your child
  • Build your skills in advocating for your child’s early learning and education
  • Increase your awareness of family support and parent resources

Then consider applying for JTC’s International Summer Session in CA! 

Sample Parent Schedule at JTC’s International Summer Session (One of Multiple Weeks) 

Each week has new activities, presentations with national experts, interesting topics and practical tips. 

Daily Learning Activities with Your Child in Preschool

Parent Education Session Topics (AM)

Monday: Learning
Tuesday: Listening
Wednesday: Language
Thursday: Speech
Friday: Parent Roles

Daily Support Groups and Guided Observations

Parent Education Session Topics (PM)

Monday: Child Development
Tuesday: Audiology
Wednesday: Education
Thursday: Auditory Verbal Therapy
Friday: Professional Partnerships